
Spring Writing Prompt

As the temperatures rise, I thought it might be fun to suggest a writing prompt that would tie into what has always been my favorite time of the year. Spring means rebirth and new life and yet we tend to live such hectic lifestyles that we may  not be noticing the changes around us. For a writer, this is wrong! We should never be too busy to open our eyes and use our surroundings to inspire our writing.  So spend a few minutes this week doing the following:

Choose a color, any color. Then go for at least a fifteen minute walk in your area. Use all of your senses, but be sure to notice everything that is that color. When you go home or if you choose to sit down and write wherever you are, describe what you saw in its richness and fullness. Use adjectives that are unique and draw out uncommon comparisons to what you saw. Make the reader feel and experience what you did.

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